Episode 21: Beginning a Career with Andrew Jensen

New year, new episode of Oncology for the Inquisitive Mind! After enjoying their holiday break, Josh and Michael dive right into 2023 with an episode especially aimed at trainees just about to start their new professional journey in Medical Oncology. Joined by an old friend, the wise-beyond-his-years Dr Andrew Jensen, they discuss life as a trainee, balancing work and life, and how to navigate the tough first few years of life in training, which can so often feel like being a bottle cast into a storm. Join us for an episode that may be light on hazard ratios and p values, but heavy on practical tips and wisdom, delivered in the tone of three dads drinking beer by a campfire...


Episode 22: Non Melanoma Skin Cancers - BCC and Merkle Cell Carcinoma


Episode 20: Early-Stage Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC)