Episode 65: Meredith Cummins: CEO of Neuroendocrine Cancer Australia
It is frequently said that it takes a village to treat a patient with cancer. However, beyond the nuts and bolts of medical and allied health treatment, there exists a whole other world of advocacy and education. Charitable and not-for-profit foundations, both nationally and internationally, have done incredible work for many years in raising awareness and funding for cancer treatment and prevention, as well as providing both patient- and doctor-centred education. Oncology for the Inquisitive Mind is incredibly privileged to welcome the CEO of one such organisation, Meredith Cummins of Neuroendocrine Cancer Australia. Meredith brings decades of experience in oncology nursing, governance, fundraising and advocacy, and has done invaluable work in shining a light on the lesser-known challenges facing patients and doctors dealing with neuroendocrine cancers.