Episode 28: ASCO GU (Genito-Urinary) 2023 Spectacular

For the second time in 2023, Josh and Michael discuss some of the hardest-hitting highlights from a conference; in this case, they dive into five studies that caught their eye at the recent ASCO GU Conference in, in Michael's words, "sunny California." We think he is simply jealous of the fact that Melbourne barely has sunshine for most of the year. Never fear: the amount of grousing about the weather pales in comparison to the clinical pearls, future projections and terrible puns.

Studies Discussed: ARASENS, CaboPoint, TALAPRO, HCRN GU14-188, PROpel, TROPHY-U-01, CAPTURE


Episode 29: Metastatic Hormone Receptor (HR) Positive Breast Cancer


OncoSnacks Ep 3: Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting